


Getting Started

Five parts of Turboprisma are currently in development:

  • Turboprisma Runtime: A faster, more efficient runtime built in Rust that allows more advanced uses for the Prisma schema, comes with a blazing fast transpiler for schemas and provides a bridge for tools to use.

  • Turboprisma CLI: A CLI tool that replaces Prisma's CLI to provide the implementation of the original commands, allowing Prisma to make use of the Turboprisma Runtime. This package is also written in Rust.

  • @turboprisma/sdk: A fully-typed TypeScript SDK that allows you to bundle parts of the Turboprisma Runtime into your JavaScript code to allow you to use functions from the runtime such as schema parsing and transforming.

  • Turboprisma Extension: A Visual Studio Code extension that allows schema linting powered by the Turboprisma Runtime.

  • Turboprisma Documentation: These documentation pages that you are currently reading.

Over the past few months, the Turboprisma team has been working to further the advancements in the Prisma ecosystem, by providing a framework that other packages can build on. This framework has been built from the ground-up using the highly efficient and scalable programming language Rust. By creating a separate runtime, we managed to do things never seen before in Prisma.

🏗️ Turboprisma is in development and there are no builds available currently.

Features Overview

If you want to see the features that are either planned or currently available, check the Roadmap page.